Wednesday, January 11, 2012

To Dentist We (dont want to) Go

Timmy (my imaginary friend) and Me

Two conversations. Err dentists or docs, please skip this. No defamation charges shall be accepted. :P :P

Scene 1: Timmy and Me in living room

Me: Timmy, I am going to die

Timmy: Oh?

Me: Yes. Next week.

Timmy: Oh?

Me: I am against suicide

Timmy: Oh?

Me: So I am appointing someone to kill me

Timmy: I cant

Me: Eh?

Timmy: I’d love to help you, Rini, you know I always do. But I don’t like the smell of blood

Me: Thank you Timmy but you don’t have to take the trouble

Timmy: Oh is there a back up killer?

Me: There is only one. My dentist!!!

Timmy: Oh he is not going to kill you. He will just drive some screws into your jaws

Me: Thanks a lot! That helps!

Timmy: Oh don’t be a baby Rini, its no big deal!

Me: But it is! What if he was bored and thinks a root canal will be a fun thing to do?

Timmy: Errrr Rini....

Me: It is possible you know. Half the time dentists do things out of sheer boredom.

Timmy: I don’t think root canal is a fun thing for dentists either. Monopoly maybe.

Me: You are missing the point. We are talking about me, remember! Solve my problem first.

Timmy: You could choose not to go.

Me: I cant. The pain is killing me.

Timmy: You could distract yourself. Read Calvin and Hobbes

Me: How? Stick it to the roof?

Timmy: Oh I didn’t think of that. Oh yeah mp3 player

Me: Timmy! Well that is an idea. But he might confuse it for his stethoscope and throw water at it.

Timmy: Dentists throw water at stethoscopes?

Me: All the time. They throw water everywhere, into your mouth, onto their knives and even the nurses.

Timmy: Why nurses?

Me: Identification I guess. To know them from patients.

Timmy: Oh. Maybe they like gardening.

Me: So coming back to my problem....

Timmy: Oh forget it Rini, lets just eat for now

Me: Hmmmm easy for you to say you cavity-less creature!

Timmy: One day Rini one day I will get it too.

Me: Don’t worry, I will take you to a doc. Unless you like to stay alive a little longer?

Scene 2:Me and the Doc. :'(

Me: I have got 2 cavities

Doc: 2 of ‘em?

Me: Yes can you tell me if I will need root canalling?

Doc: Hmm you just might

Me: Oh I don’t want to die so young

Doc: Root canalling does not imply suicide as is the general conviction

Me: No, I know

Doc: Good

Me: Its willful murder

Doc: I beg your pardon?

Me: I am letting you kill me.......



Unknown said...

I couldn't help but notice the similarities in our blogs....its a freaking coincident that we have so many things in common.

P.S. -I lyk ur frnd Timmy

Rini said...

thanks harsha... :) yea, Timmy is a great friend... he is too good to be in a real world... ;)

Rini said...

oops... harshu... :P

Unknown said...

Harshu, Harsh..same thing.......I wonder what he looks like?/?
You must hv an image in your mind

Rini said...

haa... Timmy is like my twin which i always wished for.. he looks like a normal guy but his brain is completely like that of a madhouse.loves to irritate me. pops up according to his whim and fancy.. he is stupid but once in a while talks as if he is the direct descendent of Einstein. :P knows how to cheer me up.. haa... he is the best imaginary friend i could ever ask for.

p.s:he tried to bribe me to write good things about him.sorry boss.. long live anna hazare.

Unknown said...

so basically he is Cracked Version of you :P complicated term it would be called Split Personality, if am not wrong :D..Interesting !!!

Rini said...

hehehe.... u r right... :D

Unknown said...

always feels gud to be right abt sm1 u dnt know :D

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