He: Can I tell you something?
She: Yeah, go ahead...
He: I love you

He: No but I will love you
She: (smiles)
He: You are smart, intelligent and witty…
She: No I am not!
He: You may not seem to be but I know you are
She (smiling): Thank you
He: You are also real and original… And that makes it so easy. You don’t act one way and think another. Even your wit and weirdness are beautiful to watch.
She: Now that, I agree.
He: You are also beautiful. Don’t ask me in what way. You just are..
She: (looks down, feeling shy)
He: But…
She: (looks up)
He: I would know all this only when I meet you…
She: (smiles again)
He: And then… I will always love you, forever and ever..
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