Most of the young people (I say most because I am not too old! :P) don’t know how pathetic they have become nowadays.They
live in a world where Sreesanth
is a role model and Pepsi decides to name
an entire country after them. But the truth is these young guys
are illiterate, pretentious and largely clueless. In short, like
Tusshar Kapoor.
Thus, here is a list of steps they can take to become normal again.
Stop using “Ma”: I don’t know if you’re fans of Shashi Kapoor movies,
but the next time you use “ma” in your sentence, someone will seriously break your teeth. Seriously, is
this some faux attempt at proving your love for your mother? The word is
“my”. Repeat after me.
“My name is Khan, and I’m a terribly horrible actor”
“Ma name izz Khan, I’m a superstarrrrrrrrrrr”
And while we’re on the subject, when did “Killer Shit” and “That’s gangster” become
part of the lingo to express approval? What the hell is killer shit
anyway? Do you suffer from anal cancer? And gangster?
You’re telling me this happened because of Shiney Ahuja’s film of the
same name? What time between the release of his movie and raping his
maid did he bless us all with this ridiculous two words?
Stop watching SRK Movies:
No. He is not the greatest actor of our generation and will never be.
But i guess, you also believe he drives around Mumbai in a
Hyundai i10 as well. Stop crying about him feeling bad that Kolkata
loses almost every match in IPL. Stop telling me My Name is Khan was the greatest movie you
ever saw. It only goes to show you have the same IQ as girls who scream
in the movie hall every time Bobby Deol makes an appearance
Stop ranting about the EPL: NO ONE gives a damn about
whether you support ManU or Barca. They’re not YOUR team and their
success doesn’t mean that YOU won. No matter how many jersey’s you buy
from a trip to China Market, no matter how many soccer
shoes you buy and wear at inappropriate places, NO ONE gives a shit about it.
Find some other purpose in life than tweet about players whose
names you can’t pronounce and who you’ve only been exposed to in FIFA

Stop showing me your boxers: Seriously boys, pull those pants up. I DON’T want to see your boxers. And I certainly don’t want to see your Fruit of the Loom. I don’t care if you’re wearing Rupa or Jockey’s. I don’t care if
it messes with the chain that you’re hanging across the left side of
your weird pants. For heaven's sake, Pull those idiotic jeans up!!
Stop pretending to be into hip-hop music: Just because your car has a bass tube (yea! i know what they are) and you listen to 50 Cent and
Afro Man does not mean you love “Rap music”. Stick to
rock, its easier to pull off being a fan of Nirvana.
Stop wearing Che Guevara T-Shirts: If the only thing you know is “he was the dude from Motorcycle Diaries”.
Stop putting obscure quotes and pictures as your status messages:
Seriously, you’re trying to tell me you read Paulo Coelho's books like you drink water? Stop faking and
pretending to be an intellectual. We all know you just Google quotes on
love, success, friendship.
Stop reading Paulo Coelho:
When the hell did Paulo Coelho become the must read author to prove
your intelligence? Do you think reading “The Alchemist”
is a short cut to become "the cool guy"? Don’t stick your stupid Facebook
and twitter profiles with Paulo Coelho as your favourite author. It
just tells me you don’t really read and just bought one at a railway
station because everyone seemed to have one and you thought buying a foreign author book is much "cooler" than buying "Pinky" (though you badly wanted to read the latter!).
Follow these steps, and you will definitely become a human being soon.
(Don't you think) some kids genuinely read The Alchemist coz it really is a good read
maybe there are few who do but as far as i know, kids think holding that book is the symbol of being cool.
perhaps you are right...its hard to tell which ones are genuine readers
and FYI you might want to adjust the location of the ads on your blog...they make posting comments a lil bit tougher
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