Wednesday, December 31, 2014

D For......

During one of our serious jobless moments, my imaginary friend Timmy and I were sitting, looking at the same dull point of our whitish ceiling. Tim opened his mouth (sadly!!) without turning his head:

"Rini, when you get old, will you dye?"

I stared at him for complete five minutes. "Die??"

Tim: God, never understood how on earth I became YOUR friend???!!!??

Me: Errr.. May be, I created you out of MY imagination??

Tim: Haa... Don't change the topic now.. Coming back to the topic, It's not die, miss... It's D-Y-E.  Dye your hair.

I looked at him, being not so pleased. "If white/gray hair suits me, I won't.

Tim: And what if it doesn't?

Me: Grrrrr.... I would simply shave off.

Tim, looking very happy: It would be nice to look at.

Me (angrily): May be you should just die!!!

Tim: Lol, may be we should stop using that word.. Too much of chemical, I say..... From now on, no one in this room will say die..or dye..or any word starting with D.

Me: Dinner?

Tim: Except dinner.


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