It was 1 am. I was preparing myself to hit the bed But at that time, I saw this mosquito playing around. As usual, I tried to clap my hands – with
it in between. And as usual, I missed it. The mosquito, whom i have named Mos, flew away and found a spot on the roof to rest.
Me: Hey, come over here. It is my job as a human to kill you.
Mos: Haa...And it is my job as a mosquito to escape humans and bite them hard when they are not aware.
Me: That’s not your job! You have to do it if u don't want to die out of starvation!! That's your life.
Mos: Our job is our life.
Me: Haa! That is the only job you mosquitoes do! Look at us. We have got different jobs to perform. Some of us are accountants, some docs, engineers, artists, singers, journalists, etc. All of you are just biters! And not even specialized. Only human biting!
Mos: Yea but we are all just mosquitoes. We aren’t Hindu mosquitoes or Muslim mosquitoes or Christian mosquitoes.

Me: Oh… you got something there. Hmmmm... That's interesting. You know what, you will be the hero of my next story.
Mos: You humans are pathetic! You make everything a story!
Me: That’s because we are sort of imaginative species. How do you think you are talking now?
Mos: Uh… an undiscovered talent?
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