“Would 'sorry' have made any difference? Does it ever? It's just a word. One word against a thousand actions.”- Sarah Ockler
Welcome to the 21st century where hardly any conversation is made without the word- no my friends, it is not f!@#k, though it is equally gaining popularity. it is the most magical word we homo sapiens have created. Ladies and gentlemen, i present it to you, "SORRY".
The word sorry is abused these days a lot by people. I am no exception. Now i feel that people no longer mean it when they say, like ‘sorry we are closed’ or ‘sorry I kept you waiting’. I even get meaningless apologies from TATA SKY (DTH connection) when they frequently interrupt the telecast due to rain, and used to apologize with a screen that said ‘sorry for the interruption’.
The value of sorry has started to diminish. Nowadays, if you really mean it, you have to specifically say so, like ‘I am sorry
and I really mean it’ or ‘I am really sorry’. By the way, I am really
sorry I don’t know who Sarah Ockler whom i have quoted above, is.
Every person offers apology for anything these days. Sorry has just become a word. It is free of cost. And it comes with the added advantage of making receiver happy. Like a husband saying sorry to his wife for forgetting their anniversary. However, there are still few people who think it is below their self esteem to utter sorry, no matter how wrong they are.
My funda is simple. I, too am a human. I too make mistakes and sometimes have hurt people and and knowingly or unknowingly, it will happen even in the future. If my actions have caused any harm, offense, discomfort or inconvenience to a person, I apologize straightaway. Haa.. I apologize to you for this blog.
One important thing should be kept in mind. Timing. If you delay, the issue could get complicated and the injured party might not be open to your sorry business. But you surely would always be able to better Vatican’s timing, which apologises a few hundred years after the injured parties are no longer around, like when it apologized to Galileo in 1992 after 359 years. And yes, if you don’t ask forgiveness now, it is quite possible that tomorrow you may no longer feel guilty!
I have come across people who give fake apologies. They are good at giving false apology, which sounds like a real apology without taking any blame for the action. Like the thief who is sorry that he is sentenced to 10 years prison and not that he is a thief!! Then there are few people in this world who get angry if the apology is not accepted. Like this guy in a movie who was caught two-timing and was shouting at his girlfriend, “I told you I am sorry. NOW what is your problem?”
A really good method of apologizing is to seek forgiveness by bringing out to the other person’s good self. Probably getting a little emotional also helps. Like the other day when my mom was out of town and I was strictly instructed to water the plants which I happily forgot to do. I told her, "I am really sorry, but the beautiful mother you are, both from outside and inside and the kind hearted personality you have got which I hope to instil in myself one day, I know you'll forgive me". I got my favorite chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream that day.
But men, if you want a successful relationship or a marriage, then you must be willing to apologize to each other. Whenever you're wrong, apologize to your wife; and whenever she is wrong, apologize to her, like a true man
Just remember that to err is human. You will commit mistakes. small and big ones. You'll hurt people whom you love and who love you. The best way to correct wrong actions is to try lying, blaming others, making excuses or justify your actions. Or you could sing Akon's "Blame it on me".
If nothing works, open my blog and read this post. I don't know whether it will help you or not, but it will increase my page views count.
Welcome to the 21st century where hardly any conversation is made without the word- no my friends, it is not f!@#k, though it is equally gaining popularity. it is the most magical word we homo sapiens have created. Ladies and gentlemen, i present it to you, "SORRY".
The word sorry is abused these days a lot by people. I am no exception. Now i feel that people no longer mean it when they say, like ‘sorry we are closed’ or ‘sorry I kept you waiting’. I even get meaningless apologies from TATA SKY (DTH connection) when they frequently interrupt the telecast due to rain, and used to apologize with a screen that said ‘sorry for the interruption’.

Every person offers apology for anything these days. Sorry has just become a word. It is free of cost. And it comes with the added advantage of making receiver happy. Like a husband saying sorry to his wife for forgetting their anniversary. However, there are still few people who think it is below their self esteem to utter sorry, no matter how wrong they are.
My funda is simple. I, too am a human. I too make mistakes and sometimes have hurt people and and knowingly or unknowingly, it will happen even in the future. If my actions have caused any harm, offense, discomfort or inconvenience to a person, I apologize straightaway. Haa.. I apologize to you for this blog.
One important thing should be kept in mind. Timing. If you delay, the issue could get complicated and the injured party might not be open to your sorry business. But you surely would always be able to better Vatican’s timing, which apologises a few hundred years after the injured parties are no longer around, like when it apologized to Galileo in 1992 after 359 years. And yes, if you don’t ask forgiveness now, it is quite possible that tomorrow you may no longer feel guilty!
I have come across people who give fake apologies. They are good at giving false apology, which sounds like a real apology without taking any blame for the action. Like the thief who is sorry that he is sentenced to 10 years prison and not that he is a thief!! Then there are few people in this world who get angry if the apology is not accepted. Like this guy in a movie who was caught two-timing and was shouting at his girlfriend, “I told you I am sorry. NOW what is your problem?”
A really good method of apologizing is to seek forgiveness by bringing out to the other person’s good self. Probably getting a little emotional also helps. Like the other day when my mom was out of town and I was strictly instructed to water the plants which I happily forgot to do. I told her, "I am really sorry, but the beautiful mother you are, both from outside and inside and the kind hearted personality you have got which I hope to instil in myself one day, I know you'll forgive me". I got my favorite chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream that day.
But men, if you want a successful relationship or a marriage, then you must be willing to apologize to each other. Whenever you're wrong, apologize to your wife; and whenever she is wrong, apologize to her, like a true man
Just remember that to err is human. You will commit mistakes. small and big ones. You'll hurt people whom you love and who love you. The best way to correct wrong actions is to try lying, blaming others, making excuses or justify your actions. Or you could sing Akon's "Blame it on me".
If nothing works, open my blog and read this post. I don't know whether it will help you or not, but it will increase my page views count.
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